Important Upcoming Dates

Fri., Aug. 24 1st Football Game (H) Covenant
Mon., Sept. 3 Labor Day Holiday
Tues., Sept. 11 Comment Reports
Thurs., Sept. 27 Student 1/2 day 8 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Conferences After 12:30

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Week One Accomplished!

The first full Monday through Friday of FA school year 2012-2013 has been accomplished! I cannot judge who is more exhausted - the students or the teachers, but it could be a tie. Moving from the relaxed pace and lazy days of summer into the hectic hours of the school days always brings tough adjustments for students and teachers and, I might add, families, too. Whew!

All of my classes made it through their first vocabulary quiz Thursday! Some did quite well, and some did not do so well, but I believe each will improve as the routine sinks in. Each English class will have a quiz every other Thursday(bi-weekly) over a lesson from its vocabulary workbook. Students have the vocabulary schedule in their notebooks. In addition to vocabulary, some questions could possibly relate to any grammar, usage, or mechanics that may have been part of the class activities over the last two weeks previous to the bi-weekly quiz. If your child/teen says he/she has no homework, watch them closely because their nose may begin to lengthen just as Pinnochio's did when he told an untruth. All students have a vocabulary lesson to study and/or vocabulary exercises each night. I give classes six opportunities every two weeks to work with and to use the assigned words in a variety of activities. Please encourage students to study vocabulary; the words in each lesson are an excellent opportunity for each student to prepare for the SAT and for college work.

I am excited to be back at Fullington after all these years, and I can truly appreciate your children. I know that this will be a wonderful and memorable year for each of my students. Please keep the school and staff and all students in your prayers. No sincere prayer is too small or to short. Spiritual support is vital to all faculty, staff, and students.

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